For the Newest Album, Visit the 'Some Things Borrowed' Tab. Past Projects Are Below.

Complete Discography

Kevin's first official album, "Our Fine Insecurities" was written and recorded at his home studio outside of Chicago. All vocal and instrumental tracks were performed by Kevin. This represents some of his earliest attempts at recording and mixing.

A live recording of the debut performance of this collection of songs, this album was completed in June of 2012. As part of a senior project, Kevin composed and arranged the instrumental parts and performed the piano and lead vocal parts. Fellow students from Northwestern University performed various instrumental and vocal roles. Recording and mixing was achieved with the help of Future Art Productions.

Recorded in his Brooklyn apartment where he was then living, "Paranoia Americana" was completed in August of 2014 and is Kevin's most recent full-length album. It represents a return to the do-it-yourself approach first attempted on "Our Fine Insecurities."